Client would want the Status Paused QA back :)
in progress
Ariane Viadère
Client Cosentino complained about the fact that the "Paused QA" status was available anymore and they really did not know how to put their campaign in QA (they thought they could do it only through the QA assistant now) and said they were confused when launching their campaign, if it was going to go live for real on or in QA. Especially in the dashboard: if you want to launch a campaign from the dashboard, you have no idea if you are launching it in QA or for real. They would like to have the QA Paused back.
Ariane Viadère
Arthur Charbit yes please. Jose Malave FYI
Arthur Charbit
in progress
Arthur Charbit
Hi Ariane Viadère
I confirm that the next behavior we will introduce this quarter will answer that need.
Would your customer want to be Early Adopter when it's released?
Arthur Charbit
Hi 👋
We're working on a similar huge improvement, we'll check if it correctly answer that topic and get back to you ASAP.
Arthur Charbit
under review
Product Team
Hey Ariane Viadère, thanks for your feedback! I have a few more questions for you:
- Can the client provide more details on how the 'Paused QA' status was beneficial to their campaign management process?
- What specific features of the 'Paused QA' status did the client find most useful and would like to see reinstated?
- Could the client elaborate on the confusion they experienced when launching their campaign without the 'Paused QA' status?
Ariane Viadère
Product Team Dear Team,
1, 2, 3:
- in the dashboard: if you want to launch a campaign from the dashboard, you have no idea if you are launching it in QA or for real. Before: when a campaign was paused, you had the "Paused QA" status and the "Paused" status. So you knew that your campaign would go live in QA or for real. Let me know if this is not clear. Thanks!
1, 2, 3:
- in the campaign setup process: when you switch the toggle "Enable QA" (IP Address), because the status does not change (from paused, to pause in QA), historical clients who were used to see the status change from pause to pause in QA, did not understand how to activate the QA mode in their paused campaign. They thought the toggle option did not work anymore in step 7, and they had to do it through the QA assistant only.
Let me know if this is not clear.