More transaction data in reports
Romain Penchenat
Hello Aurélien,
Thanks for letting us know your feedback!
So that we can dig a little deeper into the idea, can you tell us what use cases you have in mind for this request?
In what situations would you need this? What specific recent need could have benefitted from this feature?
Have a great day,
PS: The Data Explorer feature could meet this need as early as today. If you are interested in this tool, you can contact your CSM to obtain access.
Aurelien Jesson
Hello Romain Penchenat,
I think it's crazy that the information entered in the transaction tag only comes up with Data Explorer (which I already have access to).
The interface is also very difficult to digest and at least reduced in terms of data visualization.
Not being able to analyze my AB Test quickly according to the products and the price of these products or the payment methods used seems to me to be problematic.
For example, for us in the press, we have annual and monthly offers with prices that can be x10 and types of offers that have an impact on the price. Without extracting the data, we cannot know if our changes have an impact in terms of premiumization or the length of engagement. And it is really problematic for a tool like this to not be able to simply report back the information that is given to it.
Available to talk about it,
Good for you,
Aurélien Jesson
Romain Penchenat
Hello Aurelien Jesson,
Thank you for this additional information.
To date, you can use the filters in the AB Tasty report in order to perform these analyses without going through the data explorer.
On a campaign that uses the transaction as an objective, you can use the filter panel to apply a reading filter to the following properties:
- Transaction item quantity
- Transaction item price
- Transaction item code
- Transaction item name
- Transaction item category
- Transaction
You can also use a second filter group to compare 2 different populations.
We are also considering the possibility of integrating this filtering in the form of a breakdown, do not hesitate to let us know if this would be all the better suited to your use cases.
Have a great day,
Romain Penchenat